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The Value of Customer Success in IoT Solutions

5 minute read

IoT solutions can be rife with complexity, as is the nature of technology. Pairing devices with cellular connectivity that communicate data to the cloud and back to a user interface requires a lot of moving parts to work in unison. Deploying hundreds of devices whether that is in a single location, or regionally, or even globally involves key factors and knowledge of connectivity options, OEMs landscape, and the partner eco-system to say the least. For example, making sure that devices are certified and configured to operate on the correct network or migrating from legacy to new networks can create challenges.

IoT solutions have great potential to support many business outcomes, but challenges do arise – whether an organization is just starting out by deploying IoT, or needs help with the management of a solution, or even further in the journey when scaling IoT, and the value of customer success throughout that journey can be crucial.

When choosing to leverage an IoT solutions provider, it is important to understand the pillars of a supporting customer success journey.

Beginning IoT Solution Deployment with Confidence

Whether an organization is deploying IoT for the first time or moving to a new IoT provider, the onboarding process should be comprehensive and on the end user’s timeline. An organization utilizing IoT should be fully comfortable with the ability to use new platforms, services, and understand the service provider’s means of providing solutions completely before moving outside of the onboarding process.

Adopting new services or new technologies requires careful attention and can have a significant learning curve. Whether that is integrating new APIs, ordering, or validating eSIM, or using a new connectivity management platform, having full access to knowledge base and a designated customer success manager is essential to help make the IoT solution deployment seamless.

Ensuring the Success in the Management Phase of the IoT Solution

Once an IoT solution is deployed, the ecosystem requires a comprehensive approach to management. Deployed devices might reach end-of-life and need to be replaced or carrier changes might be required. For example, many organizations that leveraged 2G and 3G in IoT solutions required assistance in moving to LTE networks when the legacy networks began to shut down. While some organizations may have chosen to manage this internally or without a comprehensive support team in place, by leveraging a dedicated customer success manager, LTE migration hurdles might be easier to avoid.

Further, while all the boxes might have been checked for deploying devices on a new network, unforeseen issues can crop up, and letting a solution sit in the dark is just not an option. That’s where the customer success makes a massive difference by ensuring that these issues are addressed adequately, and the business doesn’t suffer.

Enabling the Organizations to Scale their IoT Solution

Addition of new devices or new territories to an IoT solution can be daunting – especially when ROI and a fast time to market are at stake. When a device is not working, or billing and usage are unusual, having a designated success manager, who is proactively monitoring and reaching out rather than organizations trying to figure out what to do alone… is the essential building block for scaling IoT solutions across the functions and regions in your organization.

The Four Pillars of KORE Customer Success

KORE has a customer success team that is dedicated to making sure IoT solutions are always supported holistically. KORE is dedicated to its four pillars of making sure customers succeed:

  • Educate through onboarding into services, platforms, and support tools
  • Empower through ensuring customers take full advantage of our self-service platforms
  • Advocate on behalf of customers if processes are not working optically
  • Refine to continuously improve our customer experience through customer feedback

Want to learn more about how KORE can help you? Reach out, we’d love to talk!
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Topic(s): Connectivity , Featured

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