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KORE Connections: Gloria Garber, Chief People Officer/CHRO

5 minute read

This International Women's Day, we were proud to celebrate the women who are at the forefront of change in connectivity. Here at KORE, we believe in growth and equality, and we strive each day to empower the voices of all women so that we may push ahead toward a future that is bright. 

To keep the celebration going, we are thrilled to feature the latest addition to the KORE family, Chief People Officer/CHRO Gloria Garber. Gloria is passionate about driving people-first strategies and shaping the employee journey at organizations, and she truly thrives when she is creating environments that allow employees to excel in their roles. Join us in welcoming Gloria to the team and celebrating her for the tenacious woman she is! 

Q: How has your experience as a woman in the workforce shaped you? What challenges have you faced? 
I’ve spent most of my career in the tech industry where there is generally a majority male representation at the leadership level. In the earlier stages of my career, I did experience a pressure to behave within some of the stereotypes of traditional leadership to try and fit in with my male counterparts. Over time, I have learned that my natural strengths, such as my strong sense of empathy and collaborative conflict resolution, were my superpowers. It was in my team and the business’s best interest for me to embrace those strengths to redefine what leadership can look like, ultimately leading to better solutions and outcomes.  

Q: When you think about your career and where you are today, what are you most proud of? Is there anything you would change?
I’m very proud of being a part of the journey that led to Top Workplace Awards at the last 3 companies where I’ve led the HR function. Notably, during my time at a Fintech company called Paymerang, our organization was issued numerous awards over the course of 6 years, including Top Workplace Awards on a local, national, and global scale, #1 Tech startup awards, and Inc. lists, all while navigating a fast-scaling environment experiencing 40% growth year over year.

Looking back, there isn’t much I would change. A mistake or misstep was a lesson learned and helped to shape the path that led me to where I am today. Believe me, I still have cringey memories here and there that haunt me, but I always try to view them as learning moments. Reflecting on them positively, I think those lessons keep you humble, and humility is critical in leadership!

Q: What is your go to sweet treat after a meal?
Cookies, ice cream, cake...sometimes all of those things mixed together into some kind of abomination! I do have a hot take that fruit doesn’t belong in dessert. I like fruit, just not in my dessert!

Q: What are some of your passions outside of work?  
I refer to myself as a “fitness enthusiast”. As a mediocre high school athlete, I wasn’t at a caliber to take my skills to college-level athletics, so once I started college, I wanted to stay active and that’s when I fell in love with weightlifting. I love the challenge and seeing progress over time as a reward for the effort put in. I’ve competed in powerlifting, strong(wo)man, and bodybuilding competitions. My husband owns a personal training gym here in Richmond, VA, so in my personal time I help support the operations of the gym. It has grown a lot in the past 2 years and has developed a wonderful community. We are also animal lovers and have a dog, cat, chickens, and 2 mini pigs that keep us busy.  

Q: What are you most looking forward to as you step into your new role with KORE?  
In the first week I’ve been here I’ve been struck by the drive, care, and passion I’ve seen from folks at KORE. I’m looking forward to working with the HR team to carry forward initiatives that will enable individuals and teams to do their best work, experience career growth, and celebrate success along the way.  

Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? Do you have any advice of your own for young women beginning their career?  
The best piece of advice I’ve received is to invest in and build a strong network and support system. It took me too long to realize the power of mentorship and gathering advice from people who have been where you are or are where you may want to be one day. Having mentors – both men and women – helped me navigate challenges, build confidence, encouraged me to push past boundaries, and has had a huge impact on my career. My network and mentors have helped me uncover important insights about myself, both positive and some that were hard to confront, and I am extremely grateful for it.  

Learn how you can make a difference #AtTheKORE by visiting our careers page.  

In a world obsessed with connections, from fast streaming services, to building personal networks, to even connected cities and homes, it is the personal connections that matter the most – that is why we are proud to introduce KORE Connections. This forum is a Q&A series where our thought leaders and innovators can share their perspectives on life, innovations, and business which could help you in building your own connections. 

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